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供应 S92-0830气动执行器,进口气动执行器
  • 供应S92-0830气动执行器,进口气动执行器
  • 价格描述: 1000 元/台
  • 经营模式: 生产型、贸易型
  • 该信息由 普通会员 发布,请 登录 后,在线询价
  • 最小起订: 1台
  • 供货能力: 10000台
  • 产品标签: S92-0830
  • 发货期限: 30天内发货
  • 发布日期: 2024-5-25
  • 有效期限: 长期有效
  • 所在地区: 福建泉州
  • 物流费用: 卖家承担运费
13611882030   86-0595-22228243
联系人: 黄工 (先生)
电 话: 86-0595-22228243
手 机: 13611882030
传 真: 未填
地 址: 福建泉州丰泽区华大街道泰禾广场
邮 编: 362000
网 址: http://www.brayfm.cn
  • 详细信息



· Size Range:2" - 24" (50mm - 600mm)

· Body Style:Wafer, Lug

· Temperature Range:0°F to 392°F (-18°C to 200°C)

· Pressure Ratings:Bidirectional Bubble-tight Shutoff: to 150 psi (10.3 Bar)
Body (CWP): 150 psi (10.3 Bar)

· Body Materials:Ductile Iron, Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel

· Disc/Stem Materials:Stainless Steel, PTFE/SS, PFA/SS, UHMWPE/SS, UHMWPE/DI, Hastelloy®*, Titanium

· Seat Materials:PTFE, Conductive PTFE, UHMWPE

· Applications:Highly Corrosive, Toxic Media

Lined Butterfly Valve

Extensive field research and engineering have developed this state-of-the-art design which provides excellent shutoff protection (bubble-tight shutoff) and high Cv values. The Series 22/23 resilient seated butterfly valve is crafted in a variety of materials such as PTFE, PFA, Stainless Steel, UHMWPE and special alloys to fit a wide range of customer requirements. As with all Bray's products, precision manufacturing and exceptional quality remain the keys to a proven record of long service life.

Seal Capsule

(Secondary Seal) This seal capsule fully isolates the valve body and stem from the line media. The Seal Capsule is made of a virgin PTFE enclosing the internal energizer. The capsule fits into grooves in the upper and lower disc hubs. When compressed between the disc and seat during assembly, the capsule becomes energized, exerting both upward and downward pressure on disc and seat surfaces.

Body Seals

(Bidirectional): Reinforced PTFE gaskets are placed between the body halves. These seals eliminate contamination from external environmental conditions and potential leak path from the line media.

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