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2019-12-3 09:46 中国泵阀制造网 作者:佚名 点击:2331
【中国泵阀制造网 技术综合】 据路透社巴黎11月29日报道,法国液化天然气(LNG)管网运营商GRTgaz和Terega 周五表示,法国天然气储备充足,即使遇到异常寒冷的天气,也能满足需求,部分原因是LNG的急剧增加。运营商们表示,法国的天然气储存量达到了129太瓦时,这是九年来的最高水平。 得益于连接法国北部和南部的管道、储

据路透社巴黎11月29日报道,法国液化天然气(LNG)管网运营商GRTgaz和Terega 周五表示,法国天然气储备充足,即使遇到异常寒冷的天气,也能满足需求,部分原因是LNG的急剧增加。



运营商们表示,法国瓦尔德索内(Val de Saone)天然气管道的完工以及去年法国单一市场贸易区的建立,使法国天然气运输能力提高了42% ,并消除了法国北部和南部之间的价格差异。

过去一年,通过法国管网的LNG流量翻了一番,截至10月底达到211 太瓦时。


Engie旗下的GRTgaz 公司总经理蒂埃里?特鲁夫在新闻发布会上表示:“我们并不担心冬天的到来,储备已经满了,我们还可以不受任何限制地向西班牙、意大利或瑞士输送天然气。”

詹晓晶 摘自 路透社


French gas storage brimming ahead of winter -network operators

France has sufficient gas in storage to see it through winter even in the event of an exceptionally cold snap, thanks in part to a sharp increase in the flow of liquefied natural gas (LNG), network operators GRTgaz and Terega said on Friday.

French gas storages are filled to the brim at 129 terawatt hour (TWh), their highest level in nine years, the operators said.

France has become an attractive destination for LNG flows and transit thanks to the completion of a pipeline linking north and southern France, its storage networks, LNG terminals and a unified gas market.

The operators said the completion of the Val de Saone gas pipeline and the creation of the single market Trading Region France last year, boosted French gas transit capacity by 42%, and smooth out the price difference between north and southern France.

LNG flows through the French network doubled in the past year, reaching 211 TWh at the end of October.

The operators said the influx of LNG helped push the French PEG gas price to its lowest since 2009 at below 8 euros ($8.82) a megawatt hour (MWh) in September.

“We are not worried about winter,” Thierry Trouve, director general of GRTgaz, a unit of Engie, told a news conference. “Storages are full, and we can also send gas to Spain, Italy or Switzerland without any restrictions.”

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