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来源:互联网 时间:2020-1-2 10:33 点击:323


这两个前苏联盟友周一晚间签署了所有必要的协议,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom PJSC)以未来五年将继续向在西方主要市场输送天然气。欧洲主要供应商的稳定运输,加上今年液化天然气创纪录的供应数量,意味着燃料供应过剩的情况不会很快结束。

哈佛大学俄罗斯与欧亚研究中心研究员蒂埃里·布罗斯(Thierry Bros)表示:“我们生活在一个拥有大量液化天然气和管道天然气的世界,没有太多的燃料运输风险,俄罗斯希望保持他们在欧洲的市场份额。”


俄气首席执行官阿列克谢·米勒(Alexey Miller)在一份电子邮件声明中表示:“经过五天在维也纳不间断的双边谈判,最终协议已经达成。目前的过境协议将于明年1月1日到期。”

乌克兰是俄罗斯向欧洲出口天然气的主要通道。乌克兰总统泽伦斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskiy)在一份声明中表示,未来五年,乌克兰将从该过境协议中获得至少70亿美元的收入。


欧盟执委会副主席塞夫科维奇(Maros Sefcovic)在接受采访时表示:“对于欧盟而言,该协议意味着一种比煤炭或石油等其他化石燃料污染更少的燃料将不间断地流动。“然气被认为是非常重要的过渡燃料。在未来几年,它将在我们争取在本世纪中叶实现碳中和经济的努力中发挥非常重要的作用。”


俄气正寻求减少其对乌克兰前苏联时代输气管道网络的依赖,并正在波罗的海(Baltic Sea)铺设直通德国的北溪2号(Nord Stream 2)管道。

王佳晶 摘译自 Rigzone


European Gas Prices Fall

European gas and power prices extended declines after a last-gasp accord between Russia and Ukraine on natural gas flows averted a winter supply crisis.

The two former Soviet allies late on Monday signed all agreements needed for flows to Gazprom PJSC’s main markets in the west to continue for the next five years. Steady shipments from Europe’s dominant supplier, coupled with record amounts of liquefied natural gas this year, mean that a glut of the fuel won’t end anytime soon.

“There’s no more transit risk,” said Thierry Bros, an associate at Harvard University’s Davis Center for Russian & Eurasian Studies. “We are in a world with a lot of LNG and piped gas and the Russians want to keep their market share in Europe.”

Benchmark Dutch gas prices dropped 0.7%, taking their record annual plunge to 44%. German power traded at its lowest level since May 2018.

“After five days of non-stop bilateral talks in Vienna, final decisions have been taken and final agreements reached,” Gazprom Chief Executive Officer Alexey Miller said in an emailed statement, adding that the package of agreements ensures that Russia ships gas via Ukraine beyond Dec. 31. The current transit deal expires on Jan. 1.

Despite tense political relations, Ukraine remains the main export route for Russia’s gas to Europe. The nation will earn at least $7 billion from the transit deal in the next five years, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in a statement.

The deal is a “good and important signal” for European supply security, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday.

For the European Union, which is targeting an unprecedented shift to a green economy, the accord means uninterrupted flows of a fuel that is less polluting than other fossil fuels such as coal or oil, European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic said in an interview.

“Gas is considered as a very important transitional fuel. For the coming years it will play a very important role in our strive to be a carbon-neutral economy by the mid-century,” he said.

Russia has been the EU’s biggest, and often cheapest, energy supplier with Gazprom providing about 37% of region’s fuel last year.

Gazprom is seeking to reduce its reliance on Ukraine’s Soviet-era pipeline network to ship its gas and is building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline under the Baltic Sea directly to Germany.