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2019-12-3 09:06 中国泵阀制造网 作者:佚名 点击:2165
【中国泵阀制造网 技术综合】 据能源之声网站11月28日报道 道达尔和南非天然气设施开发商Gigajoule签署了一项关于向马普托进口液化天然气的联合开发协议(JDA)。该计划将涉及在马普托郊区马托拉停泊一个浮式储存和再气化装置(FSRU)。最终投资决定(FID)可能在2020年年中做出,天然气输送可能在2022年底开始。道达

据能源之声网站11月28日报道 道达尔和南非天然气设施开发商Gigajoule签署了一项关于向马普托进口液化天然气的联合开发协议(JDA)。



7月,莫桑比克部长会议授予马托拉天然气公司下属的Beluluane天然气公司(BGC)开发、建设和运营拟议的2000兆瓦发电厂基础设施的权利。该设施将由隶属于Gigajoule的Central Termica de Beluluane(CTB)开发。该工厂将建在靠近马普托变电站和莫特拉科输电线的Beluluane工业园区。


Gigajoule 10月份的一份声明称,天然气将从国际液化天然气市场供应至该厂,直到莫桑比克北部的液化设施开始生产。

王磊 摘译自 能源之声


Total signs on to Maputo LNG import plan

Total and South African gas facilities developer Gigajoule have signed a joint development agreement (JDA) on the import of LNG into Maputo.

The plan would involve the mooring of a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) in Matola, a suburb of Maputo. A final investment decision (FID) could be taken by mid-2020 with gas deliveries potentially starting by late 2022. Total has agreed to provide the proposed gas supplies.

Gigajoule is working on the project through a local subsidiary, Matola Gas Co., which controls a 100 km pipeline network around Maputo. Currently Matola Gas takes supplies from the Rompco pipeline controlled by South Africa’s Sasol Petroleum International. The South African company produces gas from the Pande and Temane fields and exports most of this to South Africa. Production is expected to decline from the two Mozambique fields around 2023-24.

In July, the Mozambique council of ministers awarded Beluluane Gas Co. (BGC), an affiliate of Matola Gas, the right to develop, construct and operate infrastructure to a proposed 2,000 MW power plant. This facility will be developed by Central Termica de Beluluane (CTB), which is affiliated with Gigajoule. The plant would be built in the Beluluane Industrial Park, which is close to the Maputo substation and Motraco power lines.

The power project is estimated to have a price tag of around $2.8 billion.

A statement from Gigajoule in October said gas would be supplied to the plant from the international LNG markets, until liquefaction facilities in northern Mozambique started producing.

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